Thursday, September 29, 2011

Summer Fades Into Fall

With the end of the Labor Day weekend, the traditional end of summer occurred.
 This year the first day of autumn occurs at 4:05 am on Friday, September 23.
 Nature and science have also determined that summer is over and fall is here. 
Yes fall is here.

 Even thou the fall months can be tricky in Orange County, CA.
 I see some of the leaves are slowly turning color, which can only mean that fall is here! I can’t believe how quickly the summer has passed by! 
I know it's always nice to transition into the cooler months of fall.
I love, love, love the gloomy, wet weather - 
I'm looking forward putting on a scarves, and wearing my boots;
I'm looking forward to hot cup of Aja (Ethiopian hot oatmeal drink) on cool nights;
 I'm looking forward to big pot of homemade soup. Hmmm God bless fall!

Let the this gorgeous outdoor design inspire you to create your own cozy retreat for fall.

Wishing you fall beauty and peace to be with you :)